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Social Media – The Great Equalizer

Social Media – The Great Equalizer

Media has come to be referred to as Fourth Estate in the 19th century. The origin of the term can best be explained within the context of the medieval estates of the realm. In medieval society, three estates were formally recognized: the clergy, the nobility, and the...

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Political Correctness

Political Correctness

When politicians are scared to even comment on the issues not to say about acting upon and working on these issues, fearing that some sections of the public will get offended. It is political correctness. When rather than being an aberration such behaviours become the...

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The Climate Change Spectre

The Climate Change Spectre

Plate tectonics and continental drift are a continuing process and lead to new mountain building and submergence of areas and control the climate of the area. These changes are minute and take millions of years. Earthquakes and volcanoes are the manifestations of and...

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Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Public speaking is a coveted subject, there being thousands of books on the subject that claim to make you masters in the skill of speaking, rather public speaking. The so called specialists of the art of public speaking have earned millions by authoring the various...

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WhatsApp, a vehicle of misinformation

WhatsApp, a vehicle of misinformation

WhatsApp seems to be contributing, being used for, the source of a lot of and ended up as a vehicle of fake news and misinformation. It is being used as a carrier of circulation of forward as received information without quoting the source or reference of the that...

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